Friday, December 6, 2013

DCP Graduation #2

Back in October I had my 2nd DCP graduation. It was weird, I felt like I was just STARTING my FIRST program, not finishing my second one. People say time goes by when you're having fun and I feel like this program went by in the blink of an eye. I left for Disney in shorts and flip flops because it was July and it was hot and I was going from 4th of July fireworks to Disney fireworks. and then next thing you know, I'm heading on a plane home in jeans and a sweatshirt because it's November and cold back home.

Disney hosts a graduation for you before your program ends. There's free food, music, and prizes. You receive a free gift, a free pair of graduation Mickey ears, and you get the chance to celebrate your graduation with not only your friends, but Disney characters!

Most of the housing events are held at Chatham Square field because it's nice and open. We were there during an experimental phase where I guess they wanted to test out using it at the Vista Way welcome pavilion. It wasn't as much fun because characters had to change instead of all being out at the same time and there wasn't as much room. It was still fun though, nothing could damper your DCP graduation!
 The Epcot crew and our friends Pluto and Goofy
 Pluto and Goofy have moves!
The boss and Minnie Mouse <3
 Take your pictures in front of a castle backdrop, you can even pose with your country's flag if you're international.
 The best degree you can get!

After graduation, a lot of people go to get their ears engraved. My first program it was free but for the $7, it's worth it. It's just nice to have and makes your ears that much more special. My first pair of ears has my name on it but since I was paying for this one, I went all out and got a different color.
 Another hat to add to the collection!
There's a little hidden gem in WDW, the casting door. A great place for a photo with your new ears!

I was fortunate to have the day off for graduation. Make sure you request the day off as soon as you get the email about it so that way you have a better chance of getting picked to go. It's something I would list on my DCP Don't Miss List (I don't really have one,but if I did, it would be on it!) It's just something really special and something only done for CPs. Go celebrate all your hard work!

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