Monday, December 2, 2013

You're a wizard, Megan. My trip to Universal

One of the things I regretted about my last program was that I didn't get to Universal Studios. I made sure that this program, I would get there! Our trip still didn't go as planned because we went on a Halloween Horror Night so the parks closed at 7. So we decided to just hit up 1 park that day and of course we went with Islands of Adventure to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

I grew up with Harry Potter, I remember it being the first "big" book that I read. Now, I haven't read books 6 and 7 and I've been meaning to (I mean hello, I own them) but I've seen all the movies and had all the merch as a kid. I remember what it was like to read about Hogwarts and watch the movies and wish there was a way to experience it myself. and now there is!

I constantly had my hands to my face in just pure wonder, I kept exclaiming things like "wow!" and "oh my gosh this is so cool!" and just being completely amazed by it. The ride inside Hogwarts is absolutely AMAZING and butterbeer is something that I could easily drink everyday if I could.

Now everyone, position yourself between platforms 9 and 10 and run on in because we're going back to Hogwarts! *you just got a Harry Potter AND a Harry Potter Musical reference, BAM

 I just kept shouting "ah!" out of pure excitement!

 the Frog Choir, whether it was meant to be funny, I don't know but I was laughing
 The ride in here is AMAZING and the queue is great too!

 Why is Ravenclaw so low? tsk tsk
 Going to Dumbledore's office!
 The paintings moved so effortlessly it was amazing!

 He's alive! Harry, Ron and Hermoine make an appearance in another room too but my picture came out blurry
 I always gets Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, which one is it!
 Getting ready to board the ride!

 Hagrid's house
 Triwizard Spirit Rally
 Eating at Three Broomsticks!
 Frozen Butterbeer, gold in a cup. Apparently you can get it at starbucks now unofficially! It's a grande caramel frappucino with 3 shots of toffee nut!
 Beef Pasties from Three Broomsticks
 Just look at how....
 ...smooth they move!
 Uh oh, Ron crashed the car!
 Oh! Ah!
 Side note since they're sort of kind of related, if you go to the bathroom you can hear Moaning Myrtle!
We didn't go on the ride (I'm too chicken) but the queue for this is great too!

Of course we ventured outside the Wizarding World and saw what else Islands of Adventure had to offer! Here are some snips from our day!
 Cruising over the land of Dr. Seuss!
 I got in trouble for taking a picture on this ride. Yep.
 The amazing ride for Spiderman, see what I did there?
 Welcome to , Jurassic Park
 Sinbad Show, really funny!
Unfortunately we had to leave at around 6:30 because the park was closing at 7 for Halloween Horror Nights and the shuttle was picking us up at 7. But overall it was a really awesome and "adventurous" day!

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