Saturday, July 19, 2014

Random Roommates

A lot of people are getting ready to fill out their D.O.R.M.S applications for the upcoming Fall/Fall Advantage sessions and a big question floating around is to have random roommates or not?

In my 4 years of college and 2 internships, I have lived with 23 different roommates, that's quite a lot! In those 23, I have lived with random roommates and I went into living arrangements with friends. I have started off living with friends and learned some true colors and am no longer friends with them. I have lived with random roommates that I still keep in touch with.

For my 2 Disney Internships, I selected random each time. And I got a long with every single one of them. Our first night of my first internship we all went and saw the Lorax in DTD and blasted the Spice Girls on the way home. I spent my April Fools with my roommate Becky in Adventureland watching every single Pirates show because we thought Johnny Depp was going to be there. I've spent days off in the parks with them and gone to housing events with them. We've had many a laugh within the apartment walls. I would gladly live with any of them again.

Not to say that living with people you know is going to be a horrible experience. I ended up living with my college best friend twice and thank goodness because she was what got me through a lot these last two years. Some people just, click!

It's always important to talk it out with your roommates regardless of if they're random or not. I've known my 2 best friends for 10 years and even if we moved in together, we'd still have to talk some things out. This internship is very important and can be taken away in the blink of an eye if you don't follow the rules. Let your roommates know your stances on alcohol/partying or guests/significant others coming over. Communication is key to living with roommates smoothly. All my roommates that used to leave notes on the fridge to avoid confrontation? Yeah, we're not friends anymore. Just be open and honest and you'll be in for some nice friendships!

 I actually got my roommate Becky to meet the Princesses!

 A day at Animal Kingdom with the roommates
 We actually all went to the same school together but didn't know each other until the program
 Even got to spend my last night with Becky!
My 2 JWU roommates and I all had the same departure day so we were losing half the apartment. I had to be locked in my room until everyone was home from work. They had made us a Mickey cake and got us cards (my Aussie roommate even through in an Australian postcard!) and we spent the whole night laughing, reminiscing and having a big dance party in the living room!
And I actually got to keep in touch with Nicole since we both became Campus Reps and did another program!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seize the Day!

Fun fact about me, I love musicals and I LOVE Newsies. Unfortunately though, their last show on Broadway is August 24.
But, I just graduated from college and had some graduation money and since I'm still a CM I had my discount on Disney Broadway and...
That happened! For $82 I got to sit so close to the stage thanks to my handy dandy discount (and of course I got a shirt too!) and it was SO amazing. To be honest, I had never heard of Newsies until I saw them dance at the Macy's Parade a few years ago and watched the film for the first time my sophomore year. I instantly became enthralled in both the movie and the musical production.

I spent my day in NYC seeing my most favorite actor ever James Franco in Of Mice and Men
and then spent my night with the Newsies! Such a magical experience and will definitely try with all my might to see it again when it comes on tour in Orlando in January! Thanks Disney!

Hi Disney, it's me Meg, are you there?

Hello Everyone!

So, it's back to more postings! I know I've said that before but I really need to get back into writing and since there's still so much information left to cover, what better time than now! Don't forget that you can help shape my blog by telling me what topics you want written about or questions you want answered in the comments! It can even still be on an old post since I get a notification linking me to the comments!

The topic of this small post is the email process. We all spent those days constantly checking our emails awaiting that decision. Now that you're in, there's more emails to come! But they might not be as frequent as you might think and that might make you nervous if you don't know the process!

Once you pay your deposit and accept your position, there's really not much else to do. You will be getting a lot of your information 10-14 days before your check-in date, this includes you D.O.R.M paperwork (roommate and housing preference paperwork) and new hire paperwork. But in between then,it's pretty quiet!

To give you an example of what to expect, here's how my email schedule went for this upcoming program:
-Congratulations! Email: 3/17
     *This email contains the links to accept your offer and pay the $300 deposit
-Payment Email: 3/19
     *Accepting your offer triggers this email to come out, it is just another reminder to pay your dues 
      if you have not already. Remember, BOTH must be completed within the 10 day window
-Payment Confirmation: 3/19
      *A digital and detailed receipt of your payment is emailed. You may choose to print this for your
       records but it isn't required..
-Welcome to the Team!: 3/19
     *This contains your program dates and check in time and your official welcome to the team. It
     links you to the Onboarding Website which contains information regarding: a pre-arrival checklist,
     the Disney look, housing, driving directions, medical and religious accommodation forms, and tips

And this is the big stretch! You may wonder, did they forget about me? Am I really going? Will this waiting game end!
 Yes, yes it will:
-Disney Look: 6/24
     *Information regarding the Disney look

And after that, you won't really get much until 2 weeks prior to your arrival date. So fear not, Disney has not forgotten about you! They are just busy getting everything ready for your arrival!