In my 4 years of college and 2 internships, I have lived with 23 different roommates, that's quite a lot! In those 23, I have lived with random roommates and I went into living arrangements with friends. I have started off living with friends and learned some true colors and am no longer friends with them. I have lived with random roommates that I still keep in touch with.
For my 2 Disney Internships, I selected random each time. And I got a long with every single one of them. Our first night of my first internship we all went and saw the Lorax in DTD and blasted the Spice Girls on the way home. I spent my April Fools with my roommate Becky in Adventureland watching every single Pirates show because we thought Johnny Depp was going to be there. I've spent days off in the parks with them and gone to housing events with them. We've had many a laugh within the apartment walls. I would gladly live with any of them again.
Not to say that living with people you know is going to be a horrible experience. I ended up living with my college best friend twice and thank goodness because she was what got me through a lot these last two years. Some people just, click!
It's always important to talk it out with your roommates regardless of if they're random or not. I've known my 2 best friends for 10 years and even if we moved in together, we'd still have to talk some things out. This internship is very important and can be taken away in the blink of an eye if you don't follow the rules. Let your roommates know your stances on alcohol/partying or guests/significant others coming over. Communication is key to living with roommates smoothly. All my roommates that used to leave notes on the fridge to avoid confrontation? Yeah, we're not friends anymore. Just be open and honest and you'll be in for some nice friendships!
I actually got my roommate Becky to meet the Princesses!
A day at Animal Kingdom with the roommates
We actually all went to the same school together but didn't know each other until the program
Even got to spend my last night with Becky!
My 2 JWU roommates and I all had the same departure day so we were losing half the apartment. I had to be locked in my room until everyone was home from work. They had made us a Mickey cake and got us cards (my Aussie roommate even through in an Australian postcard!) and we spent the whole night laughing, reminiscing and having a big dance party in the living room!
And I actually got to keep in touch with Nicole since we both became Campus Reps and did another program!